The Ultimate Guide To Sleep

for 0-18 months

The ultimate guide to get more rest and feel confident improving your child’s sleep in the first 18 months

  • The only guide you’ll need to understand your child's sleep and navigate sleep challenges with confidence   
  • 300 + pages of easily digestible sections filled with practical tools to help maximize sleep in your family 
  • Created with the understanding that every baby is unique and has different needs 
  • Truly responsive and science backed strategies for better sleep that work 
  • Rediscover the joy of this season of parenting 
  • Comprehensive bonus workshops!

Does this sound familiar?

  • Struggling with sleep, but feeling lost for options.  
  • Confused about what is “normal” is for your baby.   
  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the conflicting baby sleep info on the internet.  
  • Worried that you’re doing something wrong. 
  • Sick of generic approaches and one-size-fits-all solutions.
  • Feeling defeated trying all the tips & tricks with nothing making a difference. 

Imagine this instead

  • Understanding what biologically normal baby and toddler sleep is.  
  • Being the expert on your child and feeling in tune with their needs. 
  • No longer stressing about naps, or dreading bedtime.
  • Having everything you need to navigate sleep in the first 18 months always on hand. 
  • Finding the confidence to follow your parental instincts. 
  • Knowing how to make changes and shift sleep patterns in a connected and truly responsive way. 
  • Finally getting the rest you so desperately need  
  • You CAN wake up in the morning feeling rested 
  •  You CAN feel confident about your child’s sleep  
  • You CAN make changes to the aspects of sleep no longer working, in a way that honours both your needs for a change AND your child’s needs.  
  • Sleep CAN be an enjoyable, peaceful experience for your family.

A comprehensive guide to everything you'll need for sleep in the first 18 months.
This is what you’ll discover inside:

Everything you need to know to truly attune to your unique baby, and dive into all of the why’s behind sleep

Understand: everything you need to know to truly get to know to your unique baby and what they need to sleep well

  • Attachment and emotion
  • How babies sleep (sleep science)
  • Feeding and sleep
  • Temperament
  • Sensory needs
  • Development and sleep
  • Sleep Interrupters and red flags  

Get more sleep with all of the strategies to make real improvements, in a way that aligns with your lifestyle

Optimize: all of the strategies to make real sleep improvements, in a way that aligns with your individual child

  • Sleep environment
  • Safe sleep
  • Mastering sleep timing
  • Sleep associations
  • Routines and rhythms
  • Navigating naps

Gentle, responsive ways to make changes to things that are no longer working for your family, and solutions to all of the common sleep challenges you may face.

Changes and Challenges: Gentle, responsive ways to make changes to things that are no longer working for your family, and solutions to all of the common sleep challenges you may face. 

  • Making changes to sleep associations (Want to stop rocking, bouncing or feeding to sleep?)
  • Sleep space transitions  (Want to transition from bedsharing or contact naps to solo sleep?  Moving babe to their own room?)
  • Nap transitions, refusals and common nap challenges
  • Night weaning 
  • Involving new caregivers in sleep (over doing bedtime yourself?)
  • Split nights, false starts, and early rises 
  • Fighting sleep and long bedtimes 
  • And MORE!

Plus these AMAZING Bonuses ⬇️

The Independent Sleep Workshop

( Value $39: FREE)

Ready to set your little one up for successful solo sleep? This course is your gentle, responsive and attachment-focused strategy guide to transitioning from bedsharing and/or contact napping to independent sleep.

Making Changes Workshop

(Value $39: FREE)

Perhaps rocking, bouncing, or feeding to sleep is no longer working for you or your family and you want transition your child to a new way of falling asleep. This workshop will take you through truly supportive and gentle strategies to make the change, in a way that honours your needs and your child's emotional well-being.

The Thriving Parent Workshop

(Value $87: FREE)

Transform your perspective of infant sleep and learn how to support your child from a place of calm and well-being, without the emotional overwhelm and burn out.

The Perfect Mother Myth

(Value $57: FREE)

Dr Sophie Brock provides analysis of motherhood in our culture and the ways individual experiences of mothers are shaped by broader social constructs.  

This guide is not for you if:

  • You want a generic or strict schedule for sleep. This course gives you the information needed to develop your own personalized schedule that works for your little one, NOT generic solutions.
  • You want a quick fix or guarantees about your baby's sleep. Truly, this isn't possible. Every baby is a unique human, and all techniques and strategies need to be adapted to your special little one. Any program that makes these guarantees sacrifice responsiveness with behaviour modification-based methods.
  • You want your baby to fall asleep completely independent, or put them in the crib and walk out. Learning to self-soothe takes being soothed, and is not a developmentally appropriate expectation. Through responsive, nurturing care is how a little one learns the ability to self-soothe.
  • You want a traditional sleep training program. This approach is anything but traditional!

This guide is absolutely for you if...

  • You want to improve your child's sleep while accepting biologically normal expectations.
  • You want to understand your child's unique sleep needs
  • You're looking to make changes in a way that respects your child's emotional needs and in a way that feels right for you.
  • You trust your intuition when it comes to parenting your child. You are the expert in your child, and nobody knows them better than you.
  • You want to feel confident knowing that you’re doing what’s best for your baby AND you! Because meeting your own needs for rest and your baby's needs are not mutually exclusive!
  • You want evidence-based information on the science of optimizing sleep and supporting attachment. This guide is designed with the latest research in neuroscience, development and attachment in mind. 

I'm Hava, Holistic Sleep Specialist

Each baby is unique, therefore sleep challenges should be approached with their specific behaviours, personalities and needs in mind.

 I also believe nurturing your baby doesn’t have to come at the expense of your needs. You and your baby will flourish when you’re both feeling secure, confident and well rested!!      

My role is to support your instincts and help you better understand your child’s cues and needs. I work with families to identify sleep solutions through responsive parenting practises and connected relationships — without resorting to traditional separation-based sleep training techniques. 

What other parents are saying...

Are you ready to start thriving in parenthood?


Frequently Asked Questions

If you're here, you are not looking for a quick fix, but desire to deepen your connection with your child, improve any challenges surrounding sleep, all being responsive to your child’s needs. Gently encouraging a baby to sleep better will take a different amount of time for every baby. Unlike separation-based sleep training methods, I can’t promise you when it will get better. But I can promise you that it will get better. With these responsive, science-based strategies, you’ll get more rest soon, and when you do, you’ll be confident that you stayed true to your values and followed your instincts. These holistic, attachment-based methods set you up for real, lasting, better sleep. You’ll build a foundation of connection & attachment that will pay off countless times throughout your baby’s life.

All strategies and plans are founded in responsive, attachment-focused, methods.  At no point will I ever encourage or ask you to do anything that you are not comfortable with.  At no point will your little one be left to cry on their own, or you will be told in what ways you are allowed to respond to them.  Your little one is allowed to have big feelings, especially if changes are being made that they don’t like, for example, if you are currently rocking for an hour straight to get your little one to sleep and you need to make a change, your little one might be upset and displeased.  But the difference here is that you are still providing them with the support, comfort and coregulation that need.

  Remember, you are the expert on your baby. My job is to guide you, offer suggestions and strategies, shine a light on any areas of concern, recommend solutions based on my experience, encourage emotional connections, build stronger relationships, and support you along the way.  You will never, ever be told to do something that doesn't feel right for you or your baby.

My approach revolves around a holistic attachment-focused approach, a truly responsive perspective of sleep.  When working with little one's it is so important that we acknowledge and value that each child is unique, with different temperaments and needs, and there are no guarantees.   Traditional sleep trainers will make promises such as your child will sleep x amount of hours after x amount of days because they are using separation and a behaviourist approach to modify the child's behaviour and how they signal to their caregiver- not their sleep. Making real changes to sleep includes developmentally appropriate expectations, time and an understanding of your unique child. 

You got questions, I got answers

All of the content is designed with children newborn - 18 months in mind. 

No, I do not use sleep training in my approach to sleep.

Sleep training takes a behaviour-based approach to sleep, changing how a baby communicates their needs to their caregiver instead of changing sleep itself.  This includes full extinction, “cry it out,” timed or incremental soothing, and “parent present” methods like the chair method or pick up/put down.    

When I support families to better sleep through this membership, it doesn't include any methods that limit how a parent responds to their child’s cries, either in increments or by having the caregiver respond in only specific ways.  

Instead, we take a completely holistic perspective of sleep, assessing all aspects that may impact your child’s sleep challenges to address the root cause and meet your goals.  

Everything from  

•Sleep environment
•Routines and rhythms
•Day and nighttime sleep balance
•Feeding and nutrition  
•Underlying medical concerns  
•Sleep science  
•Emotional wellbeing  
•Family dynamics and relationships  
•And more!  

Along with developmentally appropriate expectations and strategies to support your well-being as a parent.  I support you to find the root cause and optimize sleep through responsive parenting and sleep science, with the ultimate goal of you feeling empowered and confident in supporting your baby to their best sleep.  

I place immense value in you trusting your instincts and tuning into your unique child, meeting their needs, resulting in sleep solutions that you can feel good about.  And in this way, you will have real, lasting results, not only with sleep but in your parenting journey as a whole.  

Instead of merely focusing on sleep behaviour, I take a truly holistic perspective of sleep and assess all factors influencing sleep to support your family’s rest.

All strategies and plans are founded in responsive, attachment-focused methods, designed to get to the root of sleep challenges and give you the tools you need to make changes that align with your child and values.  

Remember, you are the expert on your baby.  My job is to guide you, offer suggestions and strategies, shine a light on any areas of concern, recommend solutions based on my experience, encourage emotional connections, build stronger relationships, and support you along the way.  

My approach is designed with developmentally appropriate expectations and the latest research in neuroscience, brain development and attachment.   There are no generic or arbitrary rules or guidelines, but instead is tailored to your unique family. 

The concept that babies can learn how to “self-soothe” by being left to cry or when separated from their caregiver is a complete myth.   Babies are neurologically incapable of self-soothing or calming themselves from a state of stress without the support of a caregiver.  

True self-soothing is an ability that babies learn through first BEING soothed.

That is just how brain development works.  

The foundation of this ability is the baby’s experiences of their caregiver’s timely, sensitive, consistent and appropriate responses to their distress (also the basis for a secure attachment).    They learn to self-soothe when they learn to trust that you are there to help them whenever they need you and that you can read their cues and understand their communication.    

We bring our calm to meet our children when they are stressed or upset.  By meeting our children with calm, soothing, responsive care, we support their nervous system to calm.  We aid them in this process, building connections in their brain so they can regulate themselves effectively in the future.   It happens through the developmental process, not as a skill they can be taught.  

Children learn how to regulate their emotions by borrowing the mature adult brain and being provided coregulation and support.  From this foundation of first BEING soothed and having regulation modelled to them, children can learn how to do it themselves when their brain develops the capability to do so.   After 1000s of experiences of being soothed, their brain slowly gains these skills.  

When a baby is in a state of stress, if they call for you, they need you to respond, and by having this understanding, we can do so confidently, knowing that we are setting our children up for their best chance at effective future regulation.  

It is a reality that most babies (and even toddlers!) need some level of parental support to fall asleep.  However, suppose there are certain aspects around soothing strategies that aren’t sustainable for you.  In that case, I absolutely encourage you to make changes around those aspects while still finding a way to support your child’s need for your presence to feel calm and safe as they enter sleep.

For example, it takes a long time for your child to fall asleep, or the support they prefer is making you uncomfortable or causing pain (for example, bouncing on a yoga ball hurts your back).  You can change elements that no longer serve your family while meeting their need for your support in ways that work for you both.  

When we support our children’s sleep, we build lifelong sleep health by:

•Lending our adult brain, so infants enter sleep in a rest and digest parasympathetic state of their nervous system
•Create an association between sleep and a feeling of safety and comfort
•Facilitate brain waves in sleep that are more restorative
•Influence less night waking
•Help them go to sleep faster
•Influence their childhood, adolescent and adult sleep to be more consolidated, better quality, reduced insomnia  

Depending on your baby’s temperament, some babies need more support to fall asleep while others prefer more space.  If your baby communicates that they need your support, that’s simultaneously normal, expected AND challenging.  

Due to their immature nervous system, babies often need the soothing presence of an adult, and this isn’t something we can necessarily change without consequence.   Our presence makes all the difference in their developing brain, supporting their lifelong mental wellness with nurturing care and support.  Nurture is what builds the brain towards resilience and builds sleep health.
 Supporting a child to fall asleep independently is a marathon, not a sprint.      

Your child doesn’t have to fall asleep independent of parental support in order to sleep well.  Regardless of if you feed, rock, bounce, hold or cuddle your child to sleep, it will never create sleep problems or additional wakes.   This isn’t a skill that they must learn; supporting your child to sleep, however you choose, does not hinder them from sleeping well.    

However, there are often times when parents want to make changes around how they are supporting their child to sleep, either because their current settling strategies are no longer sustainable for them or because they want to gently encourage future goals of falling asleep independently.  Perhaps transitioning from bouncing to holding, or from feeding to cuddling to sleep.  This is absolutely something that I can support you with.  You can absolutely change how you support your child to sleep without removing your support all together; knowing that it is normal for babies, toddlers and even preschoolers to enjoy the warm comfort of your presence as they drift off to sleep.  

Unlike traditional sleep training, I will never make any wild claims like your baby will sleep 12 hours without calling for you in 12 days or anything else.  (many of these claims are for marketing purposes and not reality anyway!)

 Your baby is unique, and maintaining developmentally appropriate expectations while working on improving sleep is crucial – when children have needs to be met, they need to be able to trust us to respond and meet those needs.  Babies and toddlers are whole humans with complex needs, much of which are out of our complete control.  Making guarantees about another human merely sets parents up for unrealistic expectations. 

I do guarantee that you will walk away feeling confident about working towards your sleep goals in a way that aligns with your values, so you will be able to stress less and get the rest you need.   

Get the ultimate sleep guide and get better sleep today

  • Complete Sleep Resource Library and Roadmap (Value $400)
  • Independent Sleep Through Connection (Value $39)
  • Thriving Parental Brain Workshop (Value $59)
  • The Peaceful Nap Guide (Value $39) 
  • BONUS workshop from Dr Sophie Brock (Value $199) 


Only $99

© Raised to Flourish 2023