The Toddler Sleep Guide

Genuinely gentle strategies for improving your toddler's sleep, and responsive tools to navigate sleep changes. Whether you’re ready for better sleep overall, want peaceful bedtimes, or eager to make changes, this is for you!

Enjoy peaceful sleep with your toddler

  • The only guide you’ll need to understand your toddler's sleep and navigate sleep challenges with confidence   
  • Discover what your toddler for their best sleep according to their attachment needs, temperament, and sensory needs
  • 200+ pages filled with practical tools to help maximize sleep in your family 
  • Truly responsive strategies to navigate transitions like night weaning, working towards independent sleep, sleep space changes and SO much more. 
  • Gentle and science backed strategies for better sleep that work

Does this sound familiar?

  • Bedtime is the most stressful part of your day 
  • Confused about what is “normal” is for your toddler.   
  • Feeling overwhelmed with all the conflicting toddler sleep info on the internet.  
  • Worried that you’re doing something wrong. 
  • Sick of generic approaches and one-size-fits-all solutions.
  • Feeling defeated trying all the tips & tricks with nothing making a difference. 

Imagine this instead

  • Being the expert on your child and feeling in tune with their unique needs, knowing exactly what they need to sleep well
  • No longer stressing about naps, or dreading bedtime.
  • Having EVERYTHING you need to navigate sleep through the toddler years always on hand. 
  • Knowing how to make changes and shift sleep patterns in a connected and truly responsive way. 
  • Finally getting the rest you so desperately need  

Whether you're ready to start enjoying bedtime and nights with your toddler instead of dreading it or looking for truly gentle tools to make sleep changes
this guide is for you

A comprehensive guide to everything you'll need for sleep for your 1-4 year old.
This is what you’ll discover inside:

Understanding your toddler's sleep and tuning into their needs

  • Attachment and emotion
  • Temperament
  • Sensory needs
  • Taking care of YOU
  • Sleep Interrupters and red flags  

Sleep foundations for your child's best sleep

  • Setting up the best sleep environment 
  • Using sleep association to improve sleep 
  • Creating peaceful bedtimes with routines and rhythms 
  • Mastering sleep timing 

Setting the stage

  • Helping your child feel connected 
  • Communicating changes and setting expectations 

Changes and challenges

  • Fighting sleep and long bedtimes 
  • Making changes to sleep associations (Want to stop rocking, bouncing or feeding to sleep?)
  • Falling asleep independently and nighttime visits 
  • Sleep space transitions  (Want to transition from bedsharing to solo sleep?  Moving your child to their own room?)
  • Night weaning 
  • Involving new caregivers in sleep, parental preference and separation anxiety
  • Dropping the nap and transitioning to quiet time
  • Split nights, false starts, and early rises 
  • Nightmares and night terrors 
  • And MORE!

Plus these AMAZING Bonuses ⬇️

The Independent Sleep Workshop

( Value $39: FREE)

Ready to set your little one up for successful solo sleep? This course is your gentle, responsive and attachment-focused strategy guide to transitioning from bedsharing and/or contact napping to independent sleep.

Making Changes Workshop

(Value $39: FREE)

Perhaps rocking, bouncing, or feeding to sleep is no longer working for you or your family and you want transition your child to a new way of falling asleep. This workshop will take you through truly supportive and gentle strategies to make the change, in a way that honours your needs and your child's emotional well-being.

The Thriving Parent Workshop

(Value $87: FREE)

Transform your perspective of infant sleep and learn how to support your child from a place of calm and well-being, without the emotional overwhelm and burn out.

The Perfect Mother Myth

(Value $57: FREE)

Dr Sophie Brock provides analysis of motherhood in our culture and the ways individual experiences of mothers are shaped by broader social constructs.  

This guide is not for you if:

  • You want a generic or strict schedule for sleep. This course gives you the information needed to develop your own personalized sleep plan that works for your little one, NOT generic solutions.
  • You want a quick fix or guarantees about your child's sleep. Truly, this isn't possible. Every child is a unique human, and all techniques and strategies need to be adapted to your special little one. Any program that makes these guarantees sacrifice responsiveness with behaviour modification-based methods.
  • You want a traditional sleep training program. This approach is anything but traditional!

This guide is absolutely for you if...

  • You want to improve your child's sleep while accepting biologically normal expectations.
  • You want to understand your child's unique sleep needs
  • You're looking to make changes in a way that respects your child's emotional needs and in a way that feels right for you.
  • You trust your intuition when it comes to parenting your child. You are the expert in your child, and nobody knows them better than you.
  • You want to feel confident knowing that you’re doing what’s best for your child AND you! Because meeting your own needs for rest and your baby's needs are not mutually exclusive!
  • You want evidence-based information on the science of optimizing sleep and supporting attachment. This guide is designed with the latest research in neuroscience, development and attachment in mind. 

I'm Hava, Holistic Sleep Specialist

Each baby is unique, therefore sleep challenges should be approached with their specific behaviours, personalities and needs in mind.

 I also believe nurturing your baby doesn’t have to come at the expense of your needs. You and your baby will flourish when you’re both feeling secure, confident and well rested!!      

My role is to support your instincts and help you better understand your child’s cues and needs. I work with families to identify sleep solutions through responsive parenting practises and connected relationships — without resorting to traditional separation-based sleep training techniques. 

What other parents are saying...

Are you ready to start thriving in parenthood?


Frequently Asked Questions

If you're here, you are not looking for a quick fix, but desire to deepen your connection with your child, improve any challenges surrounding sleep, all being responsive to your child’s needs. Gently encouraging a baby to sleep better will take a different amount of time for every baby. Unlike separation-based sleep training methods, I can’t promise you when it will get better. But I can promise you that it will get better. With these responsive, science-based strategies, you’ll get more rest soon, and when you do, you’ll be confident that you stayed true to your values and followed your instincts. These holistic, attachment-based methods set you up for real, lasting, better sleep. You’ll build a foundation of connection & attachment that will pay off countless times throughout your baby’s life.

All strategies and plans are founded in responsive, attachment-focused, methods.  At no point will I ever encourage or ask you to do anything that you are not comfortable with.  At no point will your little one be left to cry on their own, or you will be told in what ways you are allowed to respond to them.  Your little one is allowed to have big feelings, especially if changes are being made that they don’t like, for example, if you are currently rocking for an hour straight to get your little one to sleep and you need to make a change, your little one might be upset and displeased.  But the difference here is that you are still providing them with the support, comfort and coregulation that need.

  Remember, you are the expert on your baby. My job is to guide you, offer suggestions and strategies, shine a light on any areas of concern, recommend solutions based on my experience, encourage emotional connections, build stronger relationships, and support you along the way.  You will never, ever be told to do something that doesn't feel right for you or your baby.

My approach revolves around a holistic attachment-focused approach, a truly responsive perspective of sleep.  When working with little one's it is so important that we acknowledge and value that each child is unique, with different temperaments and needs, and there are no guarantees.   Traditional sleep trainers will make promises such as your child will sleep x amount of hours after x amount of days because they are using separation and a behaviourist approach to modify the child's behaviour and how they signal to their caregiver- not their sleep. Making real changes to sleep includes developmentally appropriate expectations, time and an understanding of your unique child. 

© Raised to Flourish 2023